Horn Excerpts from Wind Band Repertoire
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The goal of this website is to provide a collection of horn excerpts from the concert band literature for the purpose of study and practice. The examples you find here are derived from music written, transcribed, or arranged for standard wind band instrumentation, and they represent the excerpts most commonly requested for professional auditions. Orchestral excerpts will be included only for those works that have frequently performed transcriptions. Original parts are used when possible.
While revered works from past centuries continue to be performed in concert halls, contemporary composers often struggle to find orchestras that will perform new music. In response, many composers have turned to the concert band as a medium through which to channel their musical creativity. As a result, the artistry and the quantity of works written for the wind band repertoire has grown dramatically since the mid-twentieth century. School and university band programs often eclipse other music curriculum, while the number of professional and amatuer wind ensembles have increased, particularly in the United States. So it seems appropriate that the study of this music should be just as important as the traditional orchestral excerpts that every young college student and professional player spends hours practicing.